Wetland Restoration, creation and enhancement

WaterScapes design and construction staff have been designing and building wetlands since 1992 and are responsible for the design, restoration, creation and enhancement of nearly 1000 acres of freshwater wetland habitats.  

Our projects have ranged in size from one acre of emergent wetlands to our largest restoration project totaling more than 300 acres of forested wetlands.  Critical to our long-standing history of successful wetland restoration is selection of properties with hydric soils, developing consistent techniques for re-establishing hydrology and planting a great diversity of wetland species know to historically occur within the region.   

Wetland mitigation

Many of our wetland restorations are constructed to mitigate for the loss of wetlands from commercial and residential development.  Our staff have completed more than 500 wetland delineations on tens of thousands of acres of land and assisted our clients obtain hundreds of federal and state wetland permits.  

All of the wetland mitigation design and monitoring plans produced by our staff have been approved by both federal and state agencies.  Our largest mitigation site includes 300 acres of forested wetland, 40 acres of emergent wetland and 60 acres of mixed wetland/upland forest restored to compensate for 90 acres of wetland impacts at the Indianapolis International Airport.  Today, this successful restoration site is known as Sodalis Nature Park.